Continued from PART I
The Five Foundations and the elements symbolized by the Ring of Harmony can be understood as partially-extrinsic systemic enablers that extend virtues, values, and functionalities in key strategic areas, operating sustainably only in concert, and forming a synergistic ecosystem. Human activates expression of innate intelligence and virtues. Freedom unleashes natural propensity to flourish with autonomy. Loyalty empowers inclination to serve and to contribute in a sustained way. Innovation catalyzes potential to apply creativity, ingenuity, and curiosity. Organization engages predispositions to collaborate while manifesting talent, to structure information, and to create ethical order. The Ring of Harmony (symbolizing communication, emotional connectivity, [and spiritual connectivity]) relays intrinsic drive to exchange information, to bond with others, (and to nurture transcendence and spiritual unity.)
Each of the 2D Level elements shares dynamic links with all the rest. A weakening or strengthening in one element interactively impacts the others, affects the system’s generation of emergent properties, and thus impinges on Sustainability Through Time (3D Level).
Does an enhancement of one element elevate the entire system? A hyper-advanced, “innovative” social media algorithm can promote societal division. A factory with amazing, novel capabilities could be placed in the city center. A generous, “loyal” person can donate kegs of beer to a population with a genetic predisposition to alcoholism. A highly-efficient organization can perpetrate mass extermination of a demographic group.
By “enhancement,” the author denotes an initiative that not only superficially appears to be a contribution, but which resonates harmoniously with the 2D Level system; enhancing prospects for survival and success through time (3D Level); and integrating understanding of the laws of nature, of the patterns of history, and of immutable (or slowly-evolving) long-term factors (4D Level).
As noted above, by holistically generating vitality and its components, the 2D Level cohort provides people and groups with a competitive advantage. In addition, as an indivisible ensemble, it manifests and promotes human values and aspirations.
Consider how these synergistic elements would have been successfully engaged by the Ice Age hunter-gatherers who lived on the Baltic Coast of modern-day Germany. Living several thousand years before the arrival of Anatolian farmers, and roughly 7,000 years before the arrival of Indo-European pastoralists, they used their kilometer-long, man-made stone wall — in conjunction with the layout of cliffs and a lake, together with their understanding of herd behavior — to corral reindeer into a dead-end (Thorsberg, 2024).
Would groups that were intolerant of new ideas, riven by internal divisions and discord, unable to organize, or ineffective at communicating, have been able to achieve what must have been a caloric and nutritional bonanza?
At a time when the entire population of Europe is estimated to have been 5,000, already this synergistic cohort was generating adaptability, resilience, cohesiveness, coordination, and diversity — enhancing prospects for survival and success through time (3D Level), in the context of Enduring Realities (4D Level).
Reflect that even the drafting of a business email should incorporate all of the 2D Level elements. Remove one component from the cohort; see what happens to the system’s performance. If an email’s format or sentences lack organization, for example — or if the tone conveys disloyalty or disregard for human dignity — how might that impinge on duration of employment (3D Level) in consequence of the clash with enduring patterns of human existence and co-existence (4D Level)?
The central pillar of the 4D Star paradigm is comprised of human dignity, human development, values, and virtues.
Human development empowers people to engage the other systemic enablers of the 2D Level. Engaging the powerful synergy of the 2D Level, individuals, organizations, and societies can ethically survive and thrive through time (3D Level), in the context of the historical-natural background frame (4D Level).
Clearly, human development largely occurs during childhood — although personal and collective growth should continue throughout life. It entails getting love and stable support, which promote psychological health and interpersonal skills. It involves intellectual stimulation to nurture creativity and curiosity.
Education should incorporate academic preparation and hands-on experience, while integrating ethical formation. This is vital for the blossoming of practical and leadership skills.
Development should promote the full range of virtues. Examples include:
As noted above, these character strengths or virtues enable individuals, organizations, and societies to utilize the Synergy of the 2D Level. For example, Wisdom empowers people to skillfully structure their time and resources (Organization). Wisdom also has obvious links to Communication and Innovation. Courage has manifest connections to freedom, loyalty, and innovation.
Some virtues, such as honesty, relate to deontology, or morality based on rules. How does the 4D Star paradigm relate to deontology?
A study of long-established patterns (4D Level) allows for inductions, or general rules, to be elaborated — based on logical synthesis and a vast number of anecdotes. Such rules were termed “secondary principles” by John Stuart Mill and others. This means one does not need to refer all the way back to the highest principle, human happiness, when making every decision — that would be unrealistically complex for day-to-day activities.
Consistently observing these secondary principles elevates the Human condition (with very rare exceptions). Loyalty to these structured rules of behavior facilitates the overall functioning of the 2D Level system. Thus, human-centric deontology strengthens resilience and the ability to survive and succeed through Time (3D Level).
All the 2D Level elements are involved during the implementation of a deontological rule — and then, necessarily, their holistic performance improves thenceforth, since that is the criterion for the identification of the principle. Inherently, a deontological rule constitutes a structuring of conduct, of cognition, and of interactions (Organization). It reflects loyalty both to oneself and to the human dignity of others. Making a sincere decision to uphold deontology can only occur in the context of freedom. Expanding on one’s plan for self-improvement inherently constitutes an innovation. Support and encouragement from others, (which may include spiritual guidance), boosts one’s ability to identify, to implement, and to maintain the ethical principle (Ring of Harmony).
Because integrative human action necessarily entails structure, the human foundation has clear and timeless ties to “organization”.
In a free society, the human element is central to both the inputs and outputs of any organization, since ultimately organizations’ services and products are meant to serve humans — directly or indirectly.
Simultaneously, of course, organizations rely on human capital. Well-developed team members are loyal to themselves and society; they are motivated and free to identify innovations to meet and anticipate customers’ needs, which are expressed individually (personal choices) and collectively (market forces) in a context of freedom.
Thus, the needs and empowerment of humans are fundamental to sustainable and ethical delivery of goods and services.
Aside from the “Malevolent Star” model outlined above, there hardly exists any alternative to putting humanity at the center of systemic focus. Paraphrasing John Stuart Mill, if pursuing human happiness (as conceived not only quantitatively but also qualitatively) is the only choice, one hardly needs to wrestle with that choice (1863).
If individuals and societies prioritize Human needs differently, according to subjective or cultural understandings, that diversity does not undermine 4D Star’s validity; on the contrary, that variability is anticipated by the robust flexibility of the paradigm and aligns with the “individuality” and “culture” sub-elements listed below.
It is the holistic functioning of the 2D Level system that empowers people ethically and sustainably to manifest and to promote their values; thus, this systemic action provides clarity in the prioritization of Human needs.
Examples of Human values include:
The systemic enablers are themselves also values. However, in this model, they are emphasized as 2D Level elements to allow for comprehensive consideration of the complex system.
If an organization or society focuses excessively on only a limited number of these sub-elements — or if priorities diverge completely from these needs — human dignity and human empowerment become endangered.
Beyond enjoyment of nature as a value, one must acknowledge that humanity constitutes a tiny part of Earth’s dynamic biodiversity. Thus, protecting the environment, and acknowledging the ethical implications linked to the sentience of non-human animals, cannot be considered separately from human-centric morality.
Historical and contemporary experiences clearly demonstrate that any system that does not entail harnessing the power of freedom also does not advance human dignity and empowerment. In other words, based on well-established inference, “freedom” represents a necessary corollary of the “human” foundation.
The human foundation manifests intrinsic virtues, values, and functionalities, but without Freedom to fully express these into the external world, they can be thought of as “bottled up” potential.
As a core systemic enabler, freedom starts with intrinsic capacity — in this case, natural proclivity to flourish with autonomy — and combines that with external support from the other foundations. The combined action leads to human flowering and meaningful, self-expressive contributions.
All of the virtues listed in the “human” foundation have links to freedom. Courage, for example, is necessary to be able to confront uncertainty, discomfort, and risk — thus making it possible to try new things. Wisdom is required to give meaningful expression to freedom. Temperence is needed for freedom to be sustainable. Empathy helps orient freedom in a positive direction and also fosters stability grounded in ethics, which is ultimately required for freedom to endure. Patience and grit allow free people to obtain and accomplish things that would not have been possible otherwise.
The values enumerated above are also all inherently linked to freedom, which enables people to fulfill their needs and aspirations in a way that is consistent with their personality or culture. Human values provide orientation within the endless spectrum of options. For example, people shape their families according to their preferences and traditions. They create art and culture corresponding to their inspirations and heritage. They make innumerable choices regarding work, how to engage with nature, what sports to pursue, religious observances, and everything else listed above.
Exploration of how to develop one’s own values, again, is deeply intertwined with human dignity and happiness. Feeling compelled to follow a narrow, mandatory path — either because of authoritarianism, a restrictive ideology, or inflexible norms — is frequently described as soul-crushing, regardless of cultural background.
As noted, Freedom combines these internal sub-elements of virtues and values with external support from the other foundational elements. Likewise, the other 2D Level elements cannot endure without freedom.
Loyalty without freedom is impossible — one would instead speak of a continuum of servile obedience versus servile disobedience.
Loyalty with élan, in turn, serves liberty not only by protecting it, both proactively and reactively, but by channeling freedom in a positive, Human-centric direction — through time and despite challenges arising — thereby upholding the stability of the system and boosting resilience.
Indeed, freedom without loyalty — to oneself and to other people — generates unethical suffering and degradation of the Human condition, harmful pseudo-innovations, disorganization or unethical structures, dysfunctional and harmful communication, and rapid disintegration of the emotional ties that help to underpin systemic functionality.
Innovation without freedom is impossible for obvious reasons. When one does not have the liberty to investigate, to express ideas, to access information, to challenge existing paradigms, then new and better methods will not be developed.
Innovation, in turn, creates new avenues for freedom to manifest itself. It creates new spheres of activity — for example, transoceanic flights or the internet — where people can explore, access experiences, express themselves, obtain information, and engage with or manifest emotional (or spiritual) connectivity.
Even in technologically-traditional hunter-gatherer societies, innovative techniques allow for tasks to be completed more quickly and effectively, creating free time for people to enjoy and create art or other cultural practices, or to engage in inter-personal connections.
Freedom and the Ring of Harmony, representing communication and emotional (and spiritual) connectivity, are deeply interdependent. Freedom enables individuals to express themselves, share ideas, and engage in meaningful interactions. In turn, the Ring of Harmony fosters an environment where freedom is respected and cherished, as open communication and strong emotional bonds encourage diverse perspectives and mutual understanding. This symbiosis ensures that freedom is not just an abstract concept but a lived experience that enhances collective well-being, allowing societies to flourish in a climate of respect, empathy, and shared values. Through this mutual support, freedom and connectivity work together to empower both individuals and communities, catalyzing positive, cohesive dynamics.
Engaging the freedom foundation, successful organizations skillfully exploit opportunities to harness the collective intelligence of stakeholders, including both employees and customers.
As organizations seek to navigate complex, changing conditions, in view of optimally serving the population, they require adaptability and creativity that can only exist in the context of freedom.
Organizations should encourage employees to feel empowered and free to engage expertise, judgment, and initiative — consistent with their abilities — to resolve problems and contribute to improvements, while also encouraging other stakeholders to make informed choices and contributions, as indicated.
Employees respond favorably to organizations that empower them to make appropriate decisions and to offer improvements; this fosters loyalty and an enthusiastic sense of workplace ownership (McKinsey, 2020).
Employees are free to choose their profession and place of employment, while customers select where to obtain products and services. Collectively, these choices create market forces that minimize misallocation and inefficiency, helping to ensure products and services remain accessible and relevant (Restuccia & Rogerson, 2017).
Even when choices may be limited, e.g., in the case of structural limitations or government services, citizens still engage their civil liberties to help ensure accessible and relevant services.
Successful organizations recognize that stakeholder freedoms do not reflect a “one and done” consent, but rather a continuous process of informed decisions (Goldstein, 2008). For example, in healthcare, a patient may agree to some therapeutic recommendations while declining others. A software user might install an app but disable some of its features.
Cognitive convergence does not necessarily entail constructive behaviors or lead to positive outcomes. Homogenized, unidirectional mindsets, reminiscent of ovine behavior, have contributed to catastrophic outcomes throughout history and up to the current day. Only with determination to engage free thought and individuality can this unhelpful phenomenon be averted or at least minimized.
Loyalty with élan (vigorous spirit and enthusiasm) ignites passion and anchors commitment to the service of Human dignity, Human development, Human values, and Human virtues.
Together with the other 2D Level elements, Loyalty helps to generate trust as an emergent property. But Loyalty also burns brighter in a context of trust, especially in conjunction with a sense of shared destiny. (Conversely, this interdependency partially explains the intractability of sustained animosity in inter-group conflicts where there is a lack of both Loyalty and trust, creating a negative feedback loop.)
Loyalty entails attachment to Innovation, given the focus on uplifting Human needs and values. Enthusiastic commitment helps to ensure that innovations remain ethically grounded, and it provides the sustained effort to realize successful implementation and to make any needed adjustments, as indicated by ongoing feedback facilitated by Communication.
For many reasons, Loyalty cannot exist without Freedom, just as Freedom cannot exist without Loyalty. The combination of the two is the only arrangement that makes sense. For one thing, fealty in the absence of Freedom is servile obedience; it is not Loyalty.
Loyalty provides the stability and defense to ensure Freedom can endure. Loyalty protects Freedom more doggedly and courageously than obedience stands for oppression (in the contrasting Malevolent Star system).
Loyalty with élan is what drives people to learn from the choices that people make when using their Freedom — both individually and collectively — in view of honoring and serving individuality, culture, and values. Thus, Loyalty is a prerequisite for diversity, an emergent property of system.
Loyalty with élan cements the determination that enhances resilience in the face of adversity. It ensures a focus on future generations and thus ties directly to Sustainability Through Time (3D Level) and resonates with historical-natural patterns (4D Level).
A well-developed human; with strong virtues, intelligence, and psychological health; will exhibit Human-centric Loyalty at all levels:
Thus, an organization can earn enthusiastic commitment if its activity is consistent with these aims.
There exists the possibility of a virtuous circle, where effective structures uplift human values, thereby encouraging people to become increasingly enthusiastic and committed. This improves functionality and restarts the loop. In Complexity Science, this is called positive feedback.
Organization enables human systems to structure and make sense of loyalty, according to the fractal nature of 4D Star. In a context of ideal functionality, 4D Star dynamics at different levels resonate harmoniously. Thus, without behavioral or ethical conflicts, one can at once be fully loyal to oneself, one’s spouse, one’s family, one’s work team, and society.
True Loyalty links to the totality of the 4D Star paradigm. Manifesting Loyalty requires rational, ethical consideration of evidence; free consideration of options; open communication; efficient connectivity; sustainability considerations; and acknowledgement of enduring realities.
Loyalty is not what feels good superficially, nor what seems right without reflection, nor automatic repetition of what was done in the past.
Thus, the virtues enumerated in the Human foundation are key to empowering Loyalty and ensuring that commitment is correctly engaged.
Morality-based Loyalty is not a cult of personality, nor blind commitment without reference to Human dignity, the rule of law (Organization), or Freedom.
Manifestly a prerequisite for order, development, or teamwork, organization — encompassing structured information, roles, processes, and resources — serves as an integral foundation of the 2D Level. Systemic functionality depends on organization working harmoniously with human, freedom, loyalty with élan, innovation, and the Ring of Harmony (communication and connectivity). Structure does not merely refer to blueprints or protocols for entities but embraces the individual level, reflecting the way people manage their resources, time, and interactions. Structure empowers people to better navigate the challenges and opportunities that emerge through time (3D Level), enhancing adaptability, resilience, and continuity amidst evolving societal, environmental, and technological landscapes. Organization should integrate Enduring Realities (4D Level): the historical patterns and long-term environmental factors that necessitate structures be not only efficient and responsive, but also rooted in ethics and human-centric values. Thus, Organization constitutes a dynamic, integrative force that propels entities and individuals towards sustainable success; ethical innovation; cultivation of loyalty; harnessing of the power of freedom; responsible and effective coordination; and productive, meaningful connectivity — while harmoniously integrating enduring realities.
Organization includes sub-elements such as these:
Directly or indirectly, an entity in a free society responds to one or more sub-elements from the “Human” foundation, while harnessing human capital to help deliver goods or services.
Thus, because entities and societies rely on human “inputs” while responding to human needs, both human dignity and human empowerment represent key strategic priorities.
As described above, successful entities understand and harness freedom, engaging the collective intelligence of all stakeholders. They study people’s preferences, whether expressed directly via feedback or indirectly via market forces. They respond to the exercise of civil liberties and seek to ensure that their activities dovetail with the aspirations of society.
Successful organizations should strive to implement evidence-based best practices (see “Innovation” foundation section, below), in the context of stakeholders who are committed to improving outcomes related to the “human” foundation section, and who feel free to engage their full potential. For example, for several decades researchers have been identifying characteristics of high reliability organizations (HROs), which include:
A successful entity uses different strategies in different contexts to deliver the best results. For instance, a government might use democratic elections and peaceful transitions of power to help ensure that state structures remain focused on the needs of the people. However, when it comes to organizing a specific agency, skilled and experienced experts make decisions, even as they remain accountable to elected officials and ultimately to voters.
In addition to the mechanisms and strategies outlined above, the “Organization” foundation encompasses the critical role of adaptability and systemic feedback loops in ensuring effectiveness and sustainability. Adaptability, informed by ongoing assessment and responsive adjustment to both internal and external changes, allows organizations to remain agile in a rapidly evolving landscape. The Freedom to be flexible — release from the yoke of rigid dogmas or unyielding methods — is key. Adaptability thrives in the context of highly-qualified staff (Human foundation), an environment where workers and customers are empowered to provide feedback and to express preferences (inherently involving the Freedom foundation and Communication [Ring of Harmony]), and when Loyalty with élan equips stakeholders with the long-term commitment to overcome obstacles and stay focused on shared values. Part of the Organization foundation is fostering intentional cognitive frameworks that actively seek Innovation, harnessing Freedom, in the context of Loyalty to Human needs and development.
Systemic feedback loops, integral to the Organization foundation, facilitate continuous learning and improvement by actively soliciting and incorporating input from all levels of the organization and its external environment through an iterative process (Viswanath, Synowiec, & Agha, 2019). This approach not only enhances the organization’s resilience and capacity for Innovation but also strengthens its alignment with the evolving needs and values of the Human foundation. By cultivating an organizational culture that prioritizes adaptability and values feedback, entities can more effectively navigate the complexities of modern challenges — e.g., digital transformation, inter-cultural harmony, and climate change — helping to ensure that structures and processes remain both efficient and ethically-grounded in the pursuit of serving Human needs and aspirations.
At the individual level, Organization reflects the methodical arrangement of personal resources, time, and cognitive processes, and behavioral processes, while ensuring these align with Loyalty to the Human foundation. This means that structure helps the individual to develop and advance his values within an ethical framework. Thus, structure at the level of an individual is a microcosm of larger systemic organization, mirroring that enhancement of adaptability and resilience to elevate preparation for the challenges and opportunities of Time (3D Level), while integrating knowledge of Enduring Realities (4D Level). Thus, organization at the individual level is not merely orderliness or efficiency; instead, it embodies harmonious and ethical integration of the overall paradigm in actions and decisions, fostering a life that is both personally fulfilling and aligned with the happiness and advancement of society.
The Organization Foundation serves as a critical nexus, connecting and enhancing the synergy among all other foundations and the Ring of Harmony. It constitutes a partially-extrinsic Systemic Enabler that extends human functionality by engaging inherent human propensities to collaborate while manifesting talent and to create order. By structuring professional roles, resources, and procedures, the Organization foundation enables the effective mobilization of human capital, thus directly supporting the “Human” foundation’s emphasis on empowerment and the dignity of work. Through its alignment with “Innovation,” it helps to ensure that structures, products, services, and deployment of resources all remain adaptable and forward-thinking. The foundation’s links to “Freedom” and “Loyalty” encourage a culture of participation and dedication. The Organization foundation, in concert with the Ring of Harmony, facilitates seamless communication and emotional connectivity, enhancing solidarity and helping to ensure that organizational goals are in harmony with people’s preferences, values, and aspirations. This interconnectedness underscores the paradigm’s holistic approach, where each foundation amplifies the others, creating a synergistic ecosystem geared for sustainable and ethical progress.
The “Innovation” foundation within the 4D Star paradigm represents a crucial systemic enabler that extends the intrinsic human quality of creativity and ingenuity. With intentionality, and engaging strengths from the other 2D Level elements (organization, freedom, loyalty, communication, and emotional connectivity) it seeks ultimately to serve the “Human” foundation and to respond to its needs. Sometimes this is direct, while at other times it is focused on building up the other 2D Level elements. Innovation largely depends on well-developed Human capital with good education and health. Innovation encompasses a broad consideration of the challenges of Time, as represented by the 3D Level (Sustainability Through Time), in view of developing resiliency. It is oriented toward anticipating opportunities and adapting to changing conditions.
Innovation enhances how the Organization foundation:
Innovation within the 4D Star paradigm constitutes a partially-extrinsic systemic enabler that expands human functionality. It leverages human creativity to advance technological, procedural, and service improvements, while also applying ingenuity to ensure that individual, cultural, and spiritual preferences are upheld, in recognition of the inherent value of diversity. Innovation relies upon Freedom, which enables people to offer suggestions and express their preferences. It stays linked to Loyalty, which helps to ensure that innovations stay Human-centric and consistent with morals. Innovation depends on effective Organization to deploy human talent, resources, and informational tools in an effective way. Innovators rely on the Ring of Harmony for informational exchanges and emotional encouragement. The Ring of Harmony also ensures that Innovators stay connected with the Human foundation, in terms of keeping values and preferences within view. Among other benefits, this helps to ensure cultural and cross-generational adaptability.
In the 2D Level, the Ring of Harmony is an anneau that surrounds the five points of the flat star.
“Hamony” refers to a state of balance and effective, ethical functioning; where different parts of a system work together smoothly. Constructive disagreements, consistent with loyalty to human dignity, contribute to this cohesive convergence.
It represents the synergy, interdependence, and interactivity of the 2D Level elements.
It also stands for the core elements of communication and connectivity.
The open channels and links represented by connectivity facilitate both the flow of information and solidarity. These bonds develop over time and thus inherently relate to the past.
Connectivity involves connections within the system and to the external environment, as well as to structured information pertaining to past events. This internal, external, and temporal integration catalyzes multifaceted harmony.
Functionality requires at least intermittent physical proximity — allowing for exchange of information, energy, or matter — or virtual proximity, such as telephonic or internet-based contact.
Indeed, geographic, emotional, physical, and informational factors all impinge on the links represented by connectivity.
HUMAN – Uplifting human conditions depends on communication and connectivity, which are key in monitoring needs and supporting development. On the other hand, well-developed people; who are caring, insightful, and educated; are best positioned to harness links and informational exchanges.
FREEDOM – Liberty is a prerequisite for communication and the formation of healthy human bonds. Without freedom, informational exchanges are orchestrated artificially from above, which prevents flexibility and innovation — a fatal flaw. Societal links in this context are servile, dystopian, and disharmonious.
LOYALTY – People use emotional bonds and communication to receive and send signals of commitment, boosting trust and solidarity. When organizations alert stakeholders to a problem that affects humans, loyal people use their freedom to communicate about innovations to surmount the challenge.
INNOVATION – Communication is key to build on existing discoveries, to identify areas needing improvement or creative solutions, and to relate plans and advances back to organizations and individuals. Emotional ties help to support and guide researchers, planners, and scientists.
ORGANIZATION – Organizations rely on communication for internal processes and for exchanging data and views with external stakeholders. The human-centered innovations that loyal staff develop using their freedom could not be passed on without communication. Emotional ties are necessary to keep an organization fully engaged with its human-centric focus so that loyalty can be maintained, innovations can be responsibly managed, and the key role of freedom can be safeguarded and exploited.
Within the private life of the individual person, “communication” largely denotes the conscious mind, while connectivity refer more to receiving wisdom and feedback from the subconscious. The five senses also deliver information and connect people with their external environment.
At the individual level, self-communication and connectivity with one’s subconscious is a key component of Organizing one’s activities and thoughts — a prerequisite not only for serving one’s own Human needs and development, but also for fulfilling one’s broader Loyalties to collectives such as the family or society. Effective introspective cognition is also crucial to be able to harness Freedom to develop one’s individuality, and to respond Innovatively to challenges and opportunities that exist in the physical world.
Thus, the individual’s private life is guided by 4D Star, even as the universal framework also applies to his broader life in a family, in an organization, or in society.
Religious Contexts:
The Ring of Harmony can be understood as encompassing Spiritual Connectivity and spiritually-directed Communication — either at the individual level, or at the level of the community, congregation, sangha, minyan, satsang, or ummah.
Depending on specific traditions, Spiritual Connectivity could entail communion with the transcendental majesty of the Universe and of life, renunciation of preoccupation with material acquisition and of vulnerability to short-term pleasures, generous and forgiving human relationships in imitation of Divine grace, or reverent union with the Divine.
Spiritually-directed Communication could entail scripture, prayer, mantras, sacred utterances, or sermons.
The entire 4D Star paradigm is consistent with applications associated with any of the world religions.
The synergy of the 2D Level elements generates the emergent property of vitality and its components: resilience, adaptability, cohesiveness, trust, and diversity. These promote survival and success through time — the raison d’être of the 2D Level cohort and a main determinant of the structure of 4D Star.
Vitality and its constituents feed back into the 2D Level, as the system moves through time, creating positive feedback. Each of these emergent properties impinges on the totality of the 2D Level, but they also have notable effects on specific elements.
Trust, for example, responding to evolutionary pressure, functions as a barometer for overall systemic functionality. This emergent property feeds back into the system and enhances Loyalty and Connectivity, strengthening social efficacy.
Diversity, whether intellectual or cultural, both manifests freedom and empowers exploration by equipping the system with multiple structured approaches. In a context of rich diversity, people can innovatively choose from or merge structures, using communication to help ensure an ideal démarche, while manifesting enthusiastic commitment to human values.
Surprising emergent properties, (“surprising” from the perspective of geologic time), such as language and civilization, also promote survival and success through time.
Sustainability Through Time entails an array of physical, social, and biological factors that correspond to imperatives arising from Enduring Realities (4D Level).
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